
The Myth Makers, artists Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein, will be present in Easton, MD, from October 29 to November 5, 2016, during which time they will build one of their iconic sapling sculptures on the Academy Art Museum’s grounds. Literally speaking, the bird sculpture will be based on the Hooded Merganser, a bird which is common in Maryland. Figuratively, however, the artists’ intent is to create a bird sculpture which represents a proud monument to independent thinking and bravery, referencing Eastern Shore native Frederick Douglass, who said, “I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.”

Although monumental in scale, the ephemeral works of the Myth Makers are temporary in nature. Made from natural materials, they are site specific and respond to their local audience. Meaning to last 3 to 5 years, they appear, fade, and disappear, adding a chapter to the life stories in their communities.

The Mighty Merganser bird sculpture will be constructed with the help of many volunteers . The large sculpture will stand over 16 feet high and ll a generous space in the Museum’s front yard.

Based in Boston, the Myth Makers have worked in Peru, Switzerland, Canada and China. They have shown their monumental sculptures the “Avian Avatars,” on Broadway in New York, NY; Muskegon, MI; New Orleans, and in many museums in New England.


Update: The Star Democrat covered this story on November 2, 2016, "Massive Sculpture has layers of Meaning" by JOSH BOLLINGER. The Talbot Spy covered this story on November 4, 2016, Myth Makers at Work on South Street by Dave Wheelan. Talbot County Office of Tourism covered this story on November 5, 2016, The Myth Makers in Maryland: The Mighty Merganser. Bay Weekly covered this story on November 10, 2016 The Mighty Merganser: This bird is worth a trip to Easton By Sandra Olivetti Martin.


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